A man standing next to the 50km distance marker on the Thames path

Look back at 2020

29 January 2021
Look back on 2020
a photo of a group of people and a horse.

Burrow Seven campaign donates £50,000 to the Association

17 December 2020
£50,000 donation
rob, kevin and friends wearing mnda clothing

Rob and Kevin – A tribute to friendship.

7 December 2020
A tribute to friendship
photo of the Burrow Children creating crafts

Rob Burrow’s children design Christmas cards to raise money

26 November 2020
Create design Christmas cards to raise money
a photo of rob burrow and family in a horse stable

Racehorse joins fight against MND

17 November 2020
Burrow Seven, has been named in honour of Rugby League player Rob Burrows
Communication access logo

MND Association joins partner organisations to launch Communication Access Symbol

10 November 2020
Communication Access Symbol Launch
Child using a laptop

Counselling service launched for young people affected by MND

9 November 2020
Access professional counselling within days
Project 92 Text to donate

Len Johnrose’s Project 92 launched on Sky Sports

28 October 2020
Project 92 Launches with Sky Sports
picture of a closeup of a ladies face

Hard-Hitting Motor Neurone Disease film, ‘The Dance’, Given Support by Eddie Redmayne

19 June 2020
Hard-Hitting short film gifted